Subject matter experts are persons with a specific skill, knowledge, or ability in a given subject. They are specialist in their given area of expertise. They do not participate in investigations with the team unless called in or in some cases remotely provide information to assist the investigation.
I am, Kevin Scott, and I am the weather advisor and consultant for the SPIRIT team. I am tasked with monitoring the current and upcoming earth weather and space weather, since both can have a positive or negative affect on the planned and scheduled investigations. I do not go on investigations, but I do play a daily integral part of the SPIRIT team, working remote. Severe earth weather can affect investigations. As well as solar flares, sun spots, etc. can affect investigations. I have been a member of the team since 2008. I used to work on the tech team as well as the weather team, but now focus on the weather team.
Kevin Scott is a amateur meteorologist and logistics Captain for the Region 3 Rescue Squad and he participates in the local CERT Team. Kevin is an amateur Ham radio Operator. He is a Past Master of Calvin Prather Lodge #717, Prather York Rite, Scottish Rite Valley of Indpls, and the Murat Shrine.